Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Blog Address!

Please join me at my new blog:

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Thrill of Accomplishment!

Hello to anyone who is still reading my blogs. It seems I have been quite neglectful of blogging but if you took a look at my office you would know that I have been quite neglectful about everything lately.

Having spent the past two weeks 'under the weather', well, not much got done. Besides the fact that it is summer in Phoenix and the swimming pool is much more inviting than the desk in my office.

This weekend, since I am feeling some better, still have a beautiful sounding cough, I made it my goal to take care of every piece of paper on my desk. I didn't realy think I could get it done, however, making a goal and attemping it is better than just ignoring it for another week or month or year.

So, how did I do? Well, there is not one piece of paper on my desk!!!

I made on huge pile on the floor and for the past two days I have just plowed through it. I have accomplished things that have been sitting for months. I was shocked at how behind I had gotten. There may be singing in some places when they receive correspondence back from me. Don't worry there were NO unpaid bills. That I take care of daily.

Anyway, I feel great about the accomplishments and now I can enjoy some of the Olympics without feeling guilty about my desk. I sure don't want it to get like that again.

Hope you have a great week. I know I will.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Her First Dance Lesson!

I just had to share a picture of our precious little Kori's first dance lesson. She had so much fun. Her daddy registered her for lessons as her 4th birthday gift. What wonderful memories she will have.
Have a great day!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Just Catching Up!

Hi Family,

Well, not much to report in the Cain family this week. I was really sick with some sort of respiratory infection and didn't do much of anything.

Tomorrow is day 81 to 50. I have to admit I haven't been able to do as many things as I had hoped because I have been sick almost since day 90 to 50. So I hope to share some wonderful things this next week. (I have managed to lose 7 pounds this week-yipee).

Next week Matthew will begin horse riding lessons and Kori will have her first dance lesson.

I will definately share picture next weekend!!!
Have a great week.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

90 days to 50!

Where in the world does the time go?

I've heard it said that the older you get the faster the time goes.

Well, here I am 90 days from my 50th birthday and I have to admit that time is going by too fast.

So, instead of dreading the upcoming '0' in my age, I have chosen to embrace it.

For the next 90 days I am going to:

Challenge myself to step out and do things I have always wanted to do but was afraid to try.

Focus on my relationships with God and my husband.

Eat healthy.

Exercise regularly.

Complete my list of 90 things in 90 days.

I am so excited about the journey ahead.

I'll keep you updated as to my progress.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Prayer Request Update!

This is a quick update on my friend's daughter-in-love.

It seems that the tumor on the umbilical cord has disappeared!
She went to a specialist and they did another ultra sound and could not find the tumor.
She will go back in a few weeks to be checked
again, but we all KNOW that GOD did a MIRACLE!!!!!

Thank you for praying!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Kori!

Four years ago today we welcomed our beautiful granddaughter into this world.

For a mom who never experienced the joys of a delivery room it was my honor to be able to witness the birth of this precious little girl. Standing on one side of the bed while my son stood on the other and coaching Melissa through labor was simply wonderful.

Watching my son witness his daughters birth and cutting the cord, well, words cannot express my feelings. As tears rolled down his face, I watched my son become a man. I still remember it as if it were yesterday.

Here we are four years later. She is growing up so fast. She is still as precious as she was the day of her birth. Yet she is so much more. Watching her laugh and play I see her personality blooming. She is becoming the little lady God intended her to be. I listen to her talk and know she has such a heart of caring.

I know we are blessed to have her in our home two days a week when so many families don't have that opportunity. I treasure every precious moment with her. I could go on and on but I will end with this:
Kori, Happy Birthday my little 'Angel Bug'! You are a joy and I am so grateful to God for bringing you into our lives. You came at a time, after Papa's transplant, when we could really see that God was blessing us with your life. I treasure every moment I have been able to watch your grow and thank God everyday for you. My prayer is that you grow to be a Godly young lady who loves the Lord and lives out all the plans He has for you. Have a great birthday! I love you so much, Nana